Mind is the surface where thoughts appear and vanish all the time just like waves in the sea. Geeta, the spiritual text written in Sanskrit …
Navratri – the most ancient spring detox program
Happy Spring!! Navratri is the cleansing and detox program designed thousands of years back for the body, mind, and senses. This tradition is basically a …
My Weight-loss Journey
Namaste my dear friends!! I am so glad that some of you asked me to share some weight loss tips and the techniques which I …
Principles of Eating Food in Ayurveda
Ayurveda has some rules or basic principles applicable to everyone. These rules guide us on how to eat food to nourish and heal the mind …
Three Pillars of Optimal Health
As per Ayurveda health are the supreme foundation of virtue, wealth and enjoyment, and salvation. Ayurvedic and Yoga practice aims to attain liberation by restoring …
Ayurveda and Gut Health
The digestive system is the energy warehouse of the body. Digestive tract digests the food and turn it in the form of energy. The gut is …
Love yourself so that you can love everyone else!! I believe that Yoga is all about self-love. Yoga is the way to love your body, …
Are you Pitta type?
Pitta is composed of two great elements Fire and Water. Pitta is hot, oily, penetrating, warm, and light. Pitta is responsible for digestion and metabolism …
Are you Kapha type?
Ayurveda is the science of self-understanding and self-care. You can heal yourself in a proper manner with the help of Ayurvedic guidelines if you understand …
Are you Vata type?
“Prakriti” means our unique constitution or mind and body type. Ayurveda believes that all the creations of Mother Nature are composed of five great elements …