Mind is the surface where thoughts appear and vanish all the time just like waves in the sea. Geeta, the spiritual text written in Sanskrit …

Mind is the surface where thoughts appear and vanish all the time just like waves in the sea. Geeta, the spiritual text written in Sanskrit …
Happy Spring!! Navratri is the cleansing and detox program designed thousands of years back for the body, mind, and senses. This tradition is basically a …
Namaste my dear friends!! I am so glad that some of you asked me to share some weight loss tips and the techniques which I …
Ayurveda has some rules or basic principles applicable to everyone. These rules guide us on how to eat food to nourish and heal the mind …
As per Ayurveda health are the supreme foundation of virtue, wealth and enjoyment, and salvation. Ayurvedic and Yoga practice aims to attain liberation by restoring …
The digestive system is the energy warehouse of the body. Digestive tract digests the food and turn it in the form of energy. The gut is …
Love yourself so that you can love everyone else!! I believe that Yoga is all about self-love. Yoga is the way to love your body, …
Pitta is composed of two great elements Fire and Water. Pitta is hot, oily, penetrating, warm, and light. Pitta is responsible for digestion and metabolism …
Ayurveda is the science of self-understanding and self-care. You can heal yourself in a proper manner with the help of Ayurvedic guidelines if you understand …
“Prakriti” means our unique constitution or mind and body type. Ayurveda believes that all the creations of Mother Nature are composed of five great elements …